Ola-Hello in Portuguese! Brazil is known to be a very cosmopolitan nation as they have a mixed of immigrants/nationalities represented from all around the world-mostly Portuguese (colinizers), Japanese, and many others!
The only individuals I've met from this unique nation has been people stopping thru Morris, Minnesota. The first that I could think of was several years ago, who was a visiting missionary for Wycliffe at my local church name David (I saw him again at our church's "Setting-In-Service for Pat", our current pastor).
Another individual(s) is a current student-Millie and her Mom, who has been to our local church's "International Student Supper" (most recent was this past Tuesday, Nov 18th). I plan to get more info. about this country from their perspective. They did share some at last week's "International Country Fair", which I got this particular sheet on "Facts of Brazil" that I plan to post some time later on this website.
Till then, here are some cool...
Joanei (a student of the Morris Literacy Project during the first half of 2006) is from St. Carlos (close to Chapec�) Santa Catarina, a southern state.
"Two themes run through University of Minnesota, Morris alumna Jessica Nelson�s decision to study in Brazil: music and people.
Nelson, a music major, lives in Sao Paulo, a multicultural metropolis which is one of the world�s largest cities. The experience has enriched her life, professionally and personally.
Nelson is the daughter of Diane Nelson and David Nelson of Morris.
Jessica Nelson (left) and her sister Jennifer above the skyline of Sao Paulo. Jessica is a 1999 Morris Area graduate and Jennifer graduated in 2000.
Jessica Nelson (left) and her sister Jennifer above the skyline of Sao Paulo. Jessica is a 1999 Morris Area graduate and Jennifer graduated in 2000.
Nelson�s introduction to Brazil came in 2001 during a cultural exchange between the UMM Band and the Conservatorio de Tatui in Tatui, a smaller city in the rural Sao Paulo state.
At the time, conversations with her Portuguese-speaking counterparts were difficult, but the bassoonist communicated through bits of Spanish, hand gestures, drawings, and, of course, the international language of music.
�I got to know so many people,� Nelson said, �and felt the warmth of the Brazilian people and culture.�
At UMM, Nelson enrolled in a beginning Portuguese course, but the real communication transformation occurred when she returned for extended study in Tatui, where very few knew English.
�The best thing that I did to improve my Portuguese was to teach English,� she said. �I had five classes of five to 10 students, ages 14 to 65. If my students didn�t understand me in English, I had to know the words in Portuguese. Now, my friends here tell me that they hardly know that I�m an American because I speak Portuguese so well.�
As language skills developed, so too did Nelson�s musical accomplishments.
During her three years studying at the Conservatory in Tatui, she played in several ensembles including Symphonic Wind Band. She is first bassoonist for the Symphonic Band in Cubatao. After several auditions, Nelson was selected to play with the Orquestra Experimental de Repertorio, one of the best pre-professional orchestras in Brazil.
�The conductor is great, and the repertoire is challenging,� Nelson said. �A section �monitor� acts like a teacher throughout every rehearsal. Our concerts are in Sao Paulo�s historic city theater.�
In 2004, Nelson was chosen to participate in a music festival in Campos do Jordao.
�Famous musicians from all over the world attended,� she said.
Festival participation is demanding, but the rewards are great.
�A usual day includes orchestra rehearsal in the morning, individual lessons and chamber music in the afternoon, and concerts at night,� Nelson said. �After three weeks of this rigorous schedule, everyone needs a break. But it�s an excellent opportunity to learn more about music, your instrument, and yourself.�
Nelson�s network of musician friends also affords her interesting opportunities, such as serving as a substitute in a variety of ensembles.
�The best subbing job I�ve had was for the Symphonic Jazz Orchestra, a professional group that plays only jazz and Brazilian music,� she said.
Nelson loves living in Sao Paulo, although she noted that safety precautions are necessary.
�That�s one thing I miss about Morris,� she said.
In a city that never sleeps, Nelson and friends attend concerts, visit museums, enjoy music and dance in clubs, and frequent street fairs.
�One of my favorite street fairs is in Liberdade, a neighborhood with the largest concentration of Japanese outside of Japan,� Nelson said. �Another favorite neighborhood is Beixiga, home to Italian immigrants where you�ll find the best Italian restaurants in the world. It�s fun to watch the samba schools� rehearsals before carnival time.�
In downtown Sao Paulo where Nelson works, she is surrounded by ancient buildings as old as 500 years, a historical aspect she enjoys.
While Sao Paulo itself could provide endless exploration, Nelson also ventures beyond the city.
�Brazil is a great place to travel,� she said. �Every state is like visiting a new country. One of the best places is Salvador, Bahia, one of the oldest cities in Brazil.�
When Nelson's family visited, the group traveled to Rio de Janeiro and Foz do Iguacu, a natural wonder of 270 waterfalls on the Iguacu River.
This year, before she returns to the U.S., Nelson is studying at a Sao Paulo conservatory, teaching bassoon lessons, and playing at every opportunity that presents itself. She will miss the beautiful country, the energy of a cosmopolitan city, and her friends in Brazil, but graduate school plans may still hold connections to the country she loves. She has applied at the University of Iowa where the professor of music who teaches bassoon is a musician from Tatui, the city where her Brazilian journey began."
Did you know that there has been farm workers coming from Brazil to the Morris area to work and learn? Yes, there are currently 3 students the Morris Literacy Project is teaching English to. Our first student (Marcelo) we taught ESL to came in around January of 2005.
As exciting as a group of Morris-area investors find agriculture prospects in Brazil, they currently are practicing restraint.
Don and Solange Geiszler and Nick and Sandy Kill, of America Investment Resources, recently returned from an extended visit of farming operations in and around the Mato Grosso region of Brazil.
A.I.R. also has an intern, Matt Breker, working in Brazil as the group's front man in the rich agricultural region that can support two to three crops of beans and corn per year.
A.I.R. has about 15 serious investors ready to put money into a base farming operation in Brazil, Nick Kill said, and it is looking for more.
The group has a March 7 informational meeting at 7:30 p.m. at New Horizon/Harvest States Elevator.
But as promising as the project appears, A.I.R. isn't putting the bag before the beans.
"We think there are good opportunities," Geiszler said, "but we're just going to need to be patient. And (Brazilians) need an adjustment in their attitudes about what they will sell their land for."
The group visited several farms in the Mato Grosso state, including farms around Tangara and Sorriso.
The farms around Tangara that are for sale range from 2,500 acres to 10,000 acres, and some aren't at full production because of a lack of working capital, Geiszler said.
Other farms were at full production, and have used large rivers for irrigation. Beans were being harvested in the range of 55 bushels to 60 bushels per acre, with corn and cotton to follow. A second crop of corn ranged anywhere from emergence to knee-high. Geiszler said the farm land is so productive that 75 bushels to 80 bushels of beans per acre are possible.
But the price of farm land in the area currently ranges from $800 per acre to $1,300 per acre. The A.I.R. group believes they can do better.
"We strongly feel land values will soften even some more," Kill said.
The A.I.R. group is working with Amerazil LLC, a company started in 2004 by Morris insurance and travel agent Dan Mahoney and four other American partners. Dan has been arranging tours to Brazil for both ag and non-ag people for 10 years.
Amerazil LLC is a clearinghouse for information on how to do business in Brazil, Mahoney said.
Amerazil's Brazilian division, AMERASIL LTDA, is staffed by a Brazilian attorney and an administrative assistant. They help prospective ag and other investors with permitting, deeds and other procedures, Mahoney said.
"If we run into any hassles, you want someone on the ground to walk you through it," Geiszler said.
A.I.R. also have contracted with an independent source for profit analysis of the projects.
Mahoney and the A.I.R. members say the Brazilians are very welcoming of foreign investors and have no problems with them coming in to potentially invest in Brazilian agriculture.
German, Dutch and Japanese ag investors have been operating in Brazil for years, Kill said.
"Brazil is a melting pot, just like America," Kill said.
But Brazil only recently began dabbling in producer cooperatives, farmers do not receive subsidies, there's no crop insurance programs or even the sophisticated lending practices available to U.S. farmers.
Prices also are in flux. As of Wednesday's close, given the exchange rate, Brazilian beans were selling for $3.66 per bushel. The U.S. bean price was about $5.25 per bushel.
Selling land is the only viable alternative for Brazilian farmers seeking cash to support other parts of their operations, Geiszler said.
The usual factors, such as weather and soybean rust, can upset operations to a great degree, he said.
For example, Geiszler met two brothers who for 18 years have farmed about 10,000 acres. By 2003, the brothers could operate without having to borrow money. This year, the brothers had to borrow $1.5 million just to keep farming.
"This was a conservative operation, but that's what's happened over the last two years in Brazil," Geiszler said. "They haven't made any money and they've used up their working capital. If there's any adversity, you have to sell assets to keep farming"
*Note: I work with Mr. Dave Nelson at the local Stevens County D.A.C.
I took a 3-day weekend road -trip with some friends from Brazil from Friday, July 23rd (6:30pm) till Sunday, July 25th 2010 (arrived home around past midnight the next day-Monday!!).
"..Alphabet: The Portuguese alphabet consists of 23 letters (lacking the K, W and Y of the English alphabet), plus 11 letters with diacritics such as the Ç. Punctuation corresponds largely to that in English. ..
Free English Phrases for Portuguese Speakers (1)
"Uploaded by mistermath on Dec 6, 2009
Free English Phrases for people who want to use English when meeting tourists, travelers and visitors
Translation by Camila and Emiliane
"...The Brazilian archive, growing but perishing rapidly as victims' group seek greater access to information, contains details ranging from Brazil's role in the overthrow of the government of Chilean leader Salvador Allende in 1973, to dealings between the United States government and the Brazilian junta, to the vast spying network on artists and the media, Fico said.
"We already know a lot about U.S. involvement, but the most important part of these documents is regarding the ... repressive activities conducted by the Brazilian military as it collaborated with neighboring countries," said Fico....
"...The Revolutionary Movement 8th October (MR8) (in Portuguese: Movimento Revolucionário 8 de Outubro) was a Brazilian political movement, formerly an urban guerrilla group. During the military dictatorship in Brazil, the MR8 was formed by Brazilian Communist Party members who disagreed with the party's decision not to take part in the armed resistance against the military government - the so called Dissidência da Guanabara (DI-GB). The name Movimento Revolucionário 8 de Outubro was taken from another organization, which had been recently destroyed by police repression: as the dictatorship's propaganda boasted about police efficiency in the suppression of "terrorists", the DI-GB started taking actions under the same name, as a way to demoralize the regime. The new organization defined itself as Marxist-Leninist. MR8 was the main force behind the kidnapping of American ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick in 1969, the basis of the film Four Days in September.
In the late 1970s, the MR8 conducted a thorough auto-criticism for their participation in the armed resistance against the dictatorship. Under the leadership of Daniel Terra, it defined the struggle for "democratic liberties" as the main task for the Brazilian left. As such, it became active inside the MDB, the party of the "allowed opposition", under the leadership of Orestes Quércia. It had an important role in the reawakening of the students' movement in 1976-77.
However, in 1978, the MR-8 again shifted its policies. It came to believe that the "national issue" was more important than the "democratic issue"; while it never abandoned the struggle against the dictatorship, it became increasingly aggressive against other leftist tendencies, particularly the Trotskyists, which were frequently seen as anti-national and supportive of "petty-bourgeois issues" like feminism, environmentalism, gay rights, etc. During this phase, the MR-8 became increasingly isolated within the left, prompting alliances among most other tendencies against their provocative actions.
While they had played an important role in the students' movement in 1977, when the working class and unionist movemenst came again into political play in 1978, MR8's role was at the best marginal, and frequently negative. At that point, they developed an intense political enmity towards the unionist leadership of the ABC Region, which later gave birth to the Workers' Party. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and other leaders of the party, and its union branch CUT, were described as "social-democrats", "yellow unionists", "imperialist agents", and accused of dividing the opposition against the dictatorship - i.e. the MDB.
With the end of the dictatorship, they were the only significant part of the Brazilian left to remain within the PMDB, the continuation of the MDB. Most other tendencies joined the Workers' Party, while the Brazilian Communist Party and the Communist Party of Brazil re-launched themselves as independent political parties. As such, the MR8 is a bit of an oddity in Brazilian politics: while it considers itself "Marxist-Leninist", it is not organized under democratic centralism, and it operates within a bourgeois centre-to-left political party, in direct contradiction with Marxist-Leninist tenets of independence from bourgeois organizations.
MR8 maintained a high international profile, and developed close relations with the government of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.[1] In the late 1990s, MR8 somewhat softened its violent opposition to the other leftist tendencies, and became a more common-sense socialist group, even supporting Lula's run for presidency in 2002 and his government, while at the same time increasing its nationalist streak.
MR8 publishes a twice-weekly newspaper titled Hora do Povo.
Four Days in September(1997) "Fernando, a journalist, and his friend César join terrorist group MR8 in order to fight Brazilian dictatorial regime during the late sixties. Cesare, however, is wounded and captured during a bank hold up. Fernando then decides to kidnap the American ambassador in Brazil and ask for the release of fifteen political prisoners in exchange for his life. Written by Salvatore S."
Four days in september trailer
Fast Five,From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "..(alternatively known as Fast & Furious 5[1] or Fast & Furious 5: Rio Heist[4]) is a 2011 action film written by Chris Morgan and directed by Justin Lin. It is the fifth installment in the Fast and the Furious film series. It was released first in Australia on April 20, 2011, and then in the United States on April 29, 2011. Fast Five follows Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel), Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker) and Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster) as they plan a heist to steal $100 million from corrupt businessman Hernan Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida) while being pursued for arrest by U.S. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson)...
Fast And Furious 5 (Official Trailer) HD
*saw this with my workplace at Benson, Minnesota on Wednesday, June 8th 2011. I thought it was a great movie about finding one-self (e.g. identity) through unexpected life circumstances and realizing your purpose (e.g. gifts-talents) one finds during life trials.
"Brucko", by Bruce Olson
*We read this during a unique missions class in the Spring of 1999 prior to our Sunday church service
Melhor subir quadrado do que descer redondo
"short movie directed by Rafael Guimar�es, edited by Thiago Pinheiro and produced by Davi Lago. Made at Igreja Batista Gets�mani - Brazil as part of a workshop - Congresso Loucos por Jesus"
"Uploaded by nandocuca on Jul 3, 2007
Rump, or as Brazilians call it 'Picanha', is the king of BBQ cuts. But unless you know how to prepare it and put it on the spike you may end up with a very dry piece of steak. So we visited Buffet Brazil in SW London, whose BBQ master Fernando gave us a simple demo. Nando Cuca helped... in the eating department.
"www.brasiladentro.com.br - Um misto de energia, tradições, sabores e emoções. Amazônia, Pantanal, Cerrado e as magníficas praias do Vale Araguaia compõem os 906 mil km² de Mato Grosso.O Estado de Mato Grosso possui 139 municípios sustentados por uma política econômica que prioriza o desenvolvimento com preservação ambiental e abre cada vez mais possibilidades para utilização de seu potencial turístico.Apresentando vocação natural para o ecoturismo, tem imensa variedade de plantas e animais e diversifica seus atrativos com a pesca esportiva, patrimônio histórico, arqueológico e espeleológico, turismo rural, contemplativo, místico e esportes radicais.
"Learn Brazilian Portuguese grammar, colloquial expressions and pronunciation while listening to some popular Brazilian samba music. Class geared to English-speaking learners of Brazilian Portuguese as well as to those interested in the contrastive study of languages (Portuguese vs. English) "
* Journal
Brazil 1979, 1987-88 The Official Website of Arthur Blessitt
"In 1979 I took the cross on the Amazon River through Brazil. The Amazon River is one of the great wonders of the world. It is longer than the next seven largest rivers of the world put together. The Mississippi, the Congo, the Nile, the Ganges, all could fit inside the Amazon. The volume of water is so much that 400 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean you can still drink the water....
When I returned, the smell of gasoline was strong in the enclosed boat. We cooked supper over the open flame of the kerosene stove, and then went to sleep. But the next morning, I said, "Mike, gasoline has spilled in this boat. The smell is so strong."
I went to the back where the drums were and tapped on the sides of them and two of them sounded with a thud... they were full. The third one rang hollow. My heart almost stopped. "Where is the gasoline, Mike, this one is empty!
I raised one of the boards that covered the floor and there, underneath us, inside the boat, under the open flame stove, were 55 gallons of sloshing explosive gasoline. I told Joy and Joshua to go to the river bank and Mike and I began pouring the gasoline into the Amazon River. Soon a film of gasoline on the water surrounded us. ...
As a boat came by we prayed, trusting that no one would throw a cigarette into the Amazon River, igniting a horrendous explosion. Only God had protected us! An explosion in the boat would have blown us to bits, killing us all. Mike had cooked with a gas flame over that trapped gas for three weeks! ...
*see GoodnewsEverybody.com Movies: The Passion, Crucification, Easter, Resurrection, etc..
"I trailer i made for the movie, using some great scenes/lines. (In portuguese). The audio narration in the beginning is from the english trailer for City of God, in order to draw a comparison."
*can be downloaded at Baxando.com
"Comunidade "EVENTOS PEDRA VIVA" no Orkut:
Todas às Sextas às 20:00 Horas o Melhor do Black Gospel de SP venha Conferir
Domingos de Moraes 2833 Metrô Santa Cruz SP Telefones 5579-9991 e 5574-8082
"Aline Barros uma benção na musica gospel"
Donna Lee-Jesus, I Trust in You(Jesus, Confio um V�s)
"www.donnalee.ws. 2003 Unity Award winner Pop/Contemporary song of the year. A song about God's Mercy Inspired by the diary "Divine Mercy in My Soul" by Saint Faustina. From the album, "The Grace of God". The CD is available at www.heartbeatrecords.com. or Amazon.com. In Brazil www.codimuc.com.br"
Nivea Soares - River of God - 2007
"Worship song by Nivea Soares , recorded live in Brazil in april 2007. Let the river flow through the streets of the nation. Let be fill of the Holy Spirit . www.niveasoares.com , www.myspace.com/niveasoares . Send this worship video to your friends !! God bless you !!"
"Apresentação da cantora gospel brasileira Iveline, na Sala de Atos do IASP, SP. Aqui ela interpreta a bela canção "A Volta". Assista a outros videos de qualidade através do site www.acessegospel.com "
Related Articles: Christain Music Online Article
Christian music in Brazil "She wants peace, and desires a land where life is beautiful. She also sees God as a poet. The cross, central to salvation, though vulgar and ugly, Regina Mota says, can be viewed as God’s poetic expression. She sings about these things in her Christian music in Brazil, a land she talks about in her songs."
RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) – Rescuers searched for flood and landslide survivors Wednesday in southeastern Brazil after the heaviest downpours in almost half a century left at least 113 people dead.
The state of Rio de Janeiro was in mourning as the extent of the disaster became clear and a third day of rains compounded the misery for 5,000 municipal employees trying to clear streets turned to mud.
The situation "is better than it was yesterday," Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes told a news conference, although he maintained the maximum alert level and urged people in high-risk areas to evacuate their homes.
"During the night, fortunately, there were no new landslides, but the risk still exists."
Rain fell intermittently on Wednesday amid sunny spells, providing hope that the worst was over.
But the toll could rise further as dozens were reportedly still missing following the rains, which displaced more than 1,400 people and destroyed scores of homes.
Emergency officials said most fatalities were in hillside slums around the city of Rio de Janeiro, where torrents of water triggered devastating mudslides and scenes of chaos since Monday.
Dozens were killed in Rio itself but hardest hit was Niteroi, a city on the other side of the bay from the state capital where at least 54 people lost their lives.
The flooding was so intense that authorities urged Rio residents to remain indoors and not venture downtown, where streets were impassable.
Some motorists abandoned their partially submerged cars, while others were stranded for hours inside stalled vehicles.
"All the major streets of the city are closed because of the floods," said Paes. "Each and every person who attempts to enter them will be at enormous risk."
Most of the casualties were trapped in landslides in the hillside slums that ring Rio, a city of some 16 million people that will host the World Cup football tournament in 2014 and the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Paes ordered schools in Rio closed Wednesday for a second day in order to keep people off the streets, while state governor Sergio Cabral decreed three days of mourning.
The killer floods also wreaked havoc with air traffic, delaying most international flights in and out of Rio's Antonio Carlos Jobim airport and forcing the cancellation of many domestic services.
In a neighborhood close to the mountain where Rio's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue is located, the local weather service said the recent rainfall was twice the amount normally registered for the whole month of April.
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva criticized decades of administrative malfeasance which allowed shoddy home construction in high-risk zones of the city's shantytowns.
"All we can do is pray to God to hold back the rains a little, so that Rio can return to normal, and so that we can set about fixing the things in the city that need fixing," the Brazilian leader told local radio on Tuesday.
The heavy rains began during Monday evening rush hour, catching workers heading home for the day off-guard.
Brazil had already seen deadly deluges in Sao Paulo earlier this year after the wettest summer in the region in more than six decades.
National weather service Inmet said Tuesday's rainfall was the heaviest in 48 years.
"BRAZIL (ANS) -- The sacrificial love of a small Baptist church in Brazil has been used to transform a desert community.
The Valentina Baptist church, located in the coastal city
The coastal city of Joao Pessoa in Brazil.
of Joao Pessoa in Brazil, once was a conservative congregation preoccupied with a broad range of religious activities, neither believing in nor experiencing anything supernatural.
Joel News International, citing The Sentinel Group, says that when church members repented and cried out for a fresh move of God, the Holy Spirit broke their hearts and prepared them to walk in God's purposes.
The story from Joel News says: "A church member began to have dreams about a town or encampment called Algodao de Jandaira. Although she had never heard of the place, the dreams were so vivid -- revealing local terrain, troubled faces, and other considerable detail -- that the entire congregation received them as a divine revelation. The problem was that no one had the slightest idea where this community might be. The place was not identified on any map they had."
One day, however, a church member mentioned this story in passing to an acquaintance.
"The man confirmed that indeed there was such a place, and that it was in fact not far away. The reason it did not show up on the map was because it was in a desert area with no proper roads," Joel News reports.
Excited by this news, the poor Baptist church members took up a collection that was just enough to purchase one tank of gas. This allowed a small team to head out on an investigation trip to Algodao de Jandaira. The trip took nearly an entire day owing to the fact much of the driving was in dry river beds.
"When the team arrived, they saw that everything was exactly as had been described in the dream," Joel News says.
Team arriving at the outskirts of the community.
Arriving at the outskirts of the community, they were shocked by what they saw.
"Not only were the 2,200 inhabitants poorer than the Baptists themselves, they looked like they were starving. There were no visible crops, the animals looked emaciated, and the people were dressed in rags. Everything, including a young girl walking around in red shorts and a blue shirt, was exactly as had been described in the dream.
"The people had attempted to put in a community well, but each time they drilled the hole was dry. It had not rained in the area for 24 years, and there was no water table. As a consequence, water had to be trucked in from the outside. The main dietary item was cactus, but the people had no money to buy salt for flavoring," the Joel News story said.
"As the team approached the town, they were viewed with great suspicion. The people of Algodao de Jandaira felt vulnerable, and they were not used to outsiders. Unfortunately, the day was waning and the team needed a place to stay. Not knowing what else to do, they approached a small home and knocked on the door.
"A woman answered and the team explained the purpose of their visit and asked if she knew of a place where they could stay for the night. Immediately the woman called the other family members to the door where they welcomed the team inside. Without realizing it, the team had approached the only evangelical home in the community! It was an answer to prayer for both parties."
When the investigation team reported what they had seen to their fellow congregants, the people made a vow.
The Joel News story continued: "They would return to the troubled community once a month with whatever supplies they could muster. These follow-up trips continued through 2003, with each successive visit serving to further break down the initial suspicion and hostility. At the end of each visit, after they had delivered their meager supplies of food, salt and clothing, the team would walk up to a rock outcropping above the village to pray.
"God didn't choose rich churches or the government. He wanted to work through weak vessels to demonstrate his power."
Joel News says that overwhelmed by their inadequacy, they asked God why he didn't give the mission to a larger church that, presumably, could do much more for these needy people?
"They also began to pray that God would speak to government leaders about helping the people of Algodao de Jandaira. God responded by saying the Christians' prayers were off target. It was not his intention to use either rich churches or the government. Rather, he wanted to work through weak vessels in order to demonstrate his power."
Joel News says the Baptists' prayers began to take on a real urgency in late 2003. Despite their efforts, the situation in Algodao de Jandaira was deteriorating rapidly.
The story continues: "The little water on site was extremely brackish, and many animals were starting to die. After prayer, the congregation decided to forego their traditional Christmas feast and family gift-giving in order to help the people of Algodao de Jandaira. Through this sacrifice, the people were able to purchase 80 gift baskets containing food staples like rice, beans and pasta."
After delivering these Christmas baskets, the team returned home with heavy hearts. Even this gesture seemed futile in light of the enormous needs. Algodao de Jandaira's inhabitants needed so much more, especially a relationship with Christ.
As Valentina Baptist Church began to collect funds for their next visit, the congregation prayed like never before. God was not one to play games, and they were not about to quit. "
"MILAN, ITALY (ANS) -- One of the most prestigious Christian Film Festivals, the biannual Sabaoth International Film Festival held in Milan, Italy, has nominated the documentary film "Fire in Brazil" as a finalist in the Feature Documentary Category of the 2008 edition of the international festival.
Film producer David Sullivan prays with a pastor in the movie.
The 47-minute film about the revival that has been sweeping the nation of Brazil and filling both Protestant and Catholic churches there, is a production of Harvest Fields Commissioning International and its media arm OLI Productions.
According to a media release from the filmmakers: "This unique documentary features interviews with Pastors and church leaders from across this vast nation who have been touched by the fires of revival and have seen their churches filled with new life and hungry hearts.
A statue of one of the Apostles outside a church in Brasilia
"Although sometimes classified as a third world country, the richness of the heritage of this land and the exuberance of the joy of new found salvation has permeated every area of society. One leading Brazilian prison official, in the film, describes how his faith has changed the prisons under his charge. One woman explains how she was dramatically healed by the power of God."
The media release explains the film "Fire in Brazil" is just one of the 50 films produced by HFC International and OLI Productions and is part of their "Into All the World" film series currently being broadcast on 14 TV networks across the Middle East, Russia, the C. I. S. countries, in Arabic across North America & Mexico, Australia, Romania, the U.K., New Zealand, Indonesia, Holland, Turkey, Israel and worldwide on cable and satellite. The films cover such countries as China, Kenya, Sweden, Turkey and Greece.
Harvest Fields Commissioning International is a U. K. Registered Charity with the purpose of assisting in raising up and encouraging churches and leaders in 43 countries and on all 5 continents for work in churches, charities and other humanitarian assistance groups. Its websites are at: www.agapelive.net and www.hfci.net . "
"...Pel� also holds the world record for hat tricks (92) and the number of goals scored on the international level (97). His statistics are all the more amazing when compared to today's top players who can barely score more that 30 goals in a season.
He retired from the game in 1974, but came out of retirement the following year to play in the North American Soccer League for the New York Cosmos for just over two seasons. A reported 7-million-dollar contract for three years made him the highest paid soccer player of the North American Soccer League."
Pele The Great
videosport.jumptv.com - A tribute to history's greatest soccer player of all time"
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