(Sal(vador)) decided to do a website on this country today (Monday, September 26th 2005) after getting an e-mail (down below) from a Filipino missionary-Romy. I met him at a conference several years ago in the Twin Cities and I've been keeping in contact with him ever since...
From : Romy S
Sent : Monday, September 19, 2005 10:40 AM
To :
Subject : Bienvenidos colombia
Greetings from Colombia!
I thank God that I arrived safe and sound. i��m so excited to tell you my
three days adventure so far. I��m so happyand excited as I was exiting Bogota
airport. until I get out but no body there to pick me up, I waited for an hour
because I assumed they ��re gonna be late ( they are latinos)heheheh . anyway
a lot of taxi driver were asking me if i need a ride or to make phone calls.
well i decided to call YWAM Bogota and Alex gave me an instruction but I dont
quiet understood so I let him talked to taxi driver. so we took off from the
airport, however my first encounter, Manila and Bogota drivers are the same
very crazy beat the red light etc.. I told the driver Im not in a hurry, It
will be fine. Im kinda nervous and got scared when we almost hit the guy on the
bicycle driving in the middle of the road funny. heehehe..finally we reached the
ywam base the funny part the taxi driver asking me for a tip and asking US$2 in
particular hhehehe, and all the lovely kids helped out to carry my luggages in.
I love these children I will tell you more about them later cuz I��ll be coming
back to Bogota again next week.
anyway saturday night taking off to Cartagena, 9 pm we were at the bus station
they told us bus leave 10 pm but it came late so we left 11 pm. 5 am sunday I
was sleeping I heared somebody screamed, our bus crashed to another bus thank
God nobody hurts and its a mild collission. so we waited for the police to
arrive and after 3 hours police came and investigate but it takes another 3
hours for us to wait, they keep talking and talking.
finally 10 am we took off again I enjoyed my viewing time because I see the
other side of Colombia. here as coffee is everywhere the cops and military as
well. In my journey I learned there��s a lot of poor towns and people like
parties and dancing and go to the park, in Baranquilla we stopped I think
this is the longest park that I ever seen whitin the city and many people there
do their own things, and speaking of this city, we transfered here to other bus
which 2 hours away from Cartagena. now there are 3 police start checking and
video taping each passenger , so when its my turn they ask my name , what
province I am from and I said Im from the Philippines and they asked my
passport, however I left my passport in Bogota in my other suitcase I told
them that and I showed my driver licences both US and Phil. but they kinda hard
and ask what i do and I said I��m missionary and then asked me again if I��m a
pastor Im kinda hesitant to say cuz. I know one pastor got killed in Cali
hehhehe but I said yes, and Im going to teach in Cartagena, and I tried to
explain to them with my broken spanish, I ��ve been travelling for 24 hours
and I��m tired, dirty and hungry and 2 hours more to reach my destination��. I
was thinking they will put me in the jail beacuse they hold me for awhile and
they finally let me in the bus and the other cop was keep filming. I feel like
Im so popular hehe .. just kidding. but to tell you honestly I was so scared
but I do know God is control of everything and He is giving me peace in my
heart and smile on my face. Cartagena 12 midnight. and finally met marcus ywam
director here in cartegena and he is from Switzerland but spoke very well
spanish and english.
today is sept. 19 , 10 am Monday
with much love and blessings in Christ Romy
I just saw the DVD movie of this dramatic movie, which I had to immediately write about it this late evening of Monday, September 4th of 2006. I was very touched by the story, which I wanted to share my thoughts to folks I feel this will have a various impact....
"A pregnant Colombian teenager becomes a drug mule to make some desperately needed money for her family.
I havnt seen the movie jet but most critics liked it."
-History of Drugs Chemical Warfare in Colombia, from colombia journal "
After providing a brief overview of the history of the U.S. war on drugs, the book focuses on the implementation of Plan Colombia in Putumayo (embassy of Colombia). O�Shaughnessy and Branford describe in detail the health and economic consequences of the aerial spraying on farmers and their families. They raise serious questions about the chemical concoction being used and dispel the myth propagated by the U.S. and Colombian governments that glyphosate is no more toxic than �common salt, aspirin, caffeine, nicotine and even Vitamin A.� ...Tests conducted on Colombian refugees who fled across the border after being sprayed and on Ecuadorians living close to the border who were also affected by aerial fumigations showed a dramatic increase in chromosome damage. As a result, those victimized by the spraying now face a heightened risk of �developing cancer, mutations and congenital malformations.� The book makes evident that Plan Colombia is failing to achieve its stated goal of reducing the flow of cocaine to the United States. It also, however, notes that the war on drugs is proving somewhat successful with regard to achieving Washington�s broader goals of protecting and furthering U.S. political and economic interests in the region. Given that these interests are threatened by Colombia�s leftist guerrillas, Plan Colombia is as much about counterinsurgency as it is a strategy to combat illicit drugs.
Chemical Warfare in Colombia is a must read for anyone interested in discovering the brutal realities that lie behind the media headlines and the official rhetoric of the war on drugs. It illustrates the futility of trying to combat illicit drugs at the source, unless of course, as the authors point out, ending illicit drug production is not the principal objective. Most importantly, Chemical Warfare in Colombia makes evident the plight of impoverished Colombian farmers who are little more than pawns in Washington�s geo-political strategy to preserve its hegemony in Latin America. Colombia History, from iexplore.com "Meanwhile, a third potent force emerged during the 1980s, in the form of organized drug traffickers (known as cartels and identified generally by their cities of origin � hence �Cali cartel�, �Medell�n cartel�). Their control of large sums of money now began to be turned into political power and leading politicians increasingly became tainted by their connections with drug money. War on Drugs, from wikipedia
"Six of our young men, plus Pat F and Ron N, will be heading
for Barranquilla, Columbia, as a part of the Missions Without Borders
outreach from July 17-26. Shem and Micah B, Kyle and Caleb Z, and
Dan and Chris T have been meeting bi-weekly with Pat to prepare the
dramas, presentations, bracelets and testimonies that will be a part of their
experience in this South American country. A skit entitled “Bondage,” written
by Dave T, will be presented, along with a solo version of the fantastic
basketball show by Dan as Chris does the announcing.
Buddy Walker, director of MWOB, tells that Columbia is
the hungriest for the gospel that he has ever seen. That
hunger, combined with the crusade featuring the preaching
of Steve Fatow, distribution of food to the needy, and the
witness of the 200 expected team members, will make this
an exciting venture! Participation in the initial meeting of a
local church plant is on the agenda, and one day is set aside
to see the local sites. The important job of those remaining
back at home is to pray, pray, pray for God’s hand to move in a mighty way!"
"An unbelievable story out of Columbia – a Boeing 737 jet airliner with 131 people aboard crashed in a thunderstorm and broke into three pieces after being hit by lightning as it made its way onto the runway on a Caribbean island on Monday. Only one person died.
The region’s governor says it's clearly a miracle that just one person was killed in the crash.
There were 125 passengers and six crew members aboard Aires Flight 8520, but the only person who died in the horrific crash was 68-year-old Amar Fernandez de Barreto.
"It was a miracle and we have to give thanks to God," that only one person was killed, said Gov. Pedro Gallardo.
Authorities report that 119 people were treated at local medical facilities and five of them were seriously injured.
More in the video below...
"A 73-year-old woman suffered a heart attack and died in hospital, but officials said it was a "miracle'' there were no more fatalities among the 130 survivors, most of whom suffered some kind of injury.
The plane was struck by lightning 80 metres above the tarmac at Gustavo Rojas Pinilla airport on the Caribbean island of San Andres, aviation officials said, but the cause of the crash was still under investigation.
Passengers were "literally scattered over the end of the runway,'' a police statement said. The authorities later put the number of injured at more than 120, five of them seriously...
San Andres's governor Pedro Gallardo said it was only good fortune that prevented there being more casualties among the 131 people on board. "We thank God for the miracle granted to this archipelago,'' he told national radio. "The captain, the co-pilot and all the crew are safe.''
-Cali About.com ". Founded in 1536 by Sebastian de Belalcazar, it was a sleepy little mountain town until the sugar and coffee industries brought prosperity to the region. They aren't the only commodities, however. After drug lord Pablo Escobar was killed in Medell�n in 1993 and the Medell�n Cartel fell apart, the remaining drug traffickers moved to Cali and formed the Cali Cartel. However, this too dissolved when the treasurer of the cartel fled to the US." Info Please "city (1993 pop. 1,641,498), capital of Valle del Cauca dept., W Colombia, on the Cali River. It is an industrial and commercial center of the upper Cauca valley. Coffee, cotton, sugarcane, and soybeans are shipped through the city; and tires, tobacco products, textiles, paper, chemicals, and building materials are manufactured. Cali is also a tourist center. The city was founded in 1536, but its growth is relatively recent, with the population more than doubling in the 1950s. In the city are two universities and the headquarters of the Cauca valley development project, which is modeled after the Tennessee Valley Authority. The Cauca River has been drained for irrigation, hydroelectric power, and flood prevention. Cali's landmarks include an aqueduct and a cathedral. In the late 1980s and early 90s the city gained notoriety for the cocaine �cartel� based there." From Cali, Colombia: The Other side of the Coin, from ad2000.org "Two nights later, the 35,000 seat stadium next door was so packed for the all night prayer event that an overflow crowd had to wait till some people departed in the late night hours to take their seats.
Thunderous applause broke out as an organizer of the event said: "Our young people will not carry drugs but rather the gospel of Jesus from Colombia to the world. "
Dr. Billy Graham made a prophetic statement when he spoke at the same coliseum a generation ago: "When I woke up this morning I saw the three crosses on a hill, and I saw Christ King on another hill. A revival is coming to Cali"
The growth of the number churches in Cali has been astounding from 30 in 1980 to 250 in 1990 to 600 churches in 1999.
Saturday prior to the event, 400 pastors met from all over the city of Cali. It was a precious moment. They asked forgiveness of one another and from the Lord.
The President of the event and of the Association of Evangelical Ministers of the Valley (ASMICEV), Julian Ortiz, talked about the anointing of unity. This is what they wanted to share with God's people from Latin America, Portugal and Spain - thus the vision of this Iberoamerica event on unity. "
"Medellin is the Capital City, of the State of Antioquia. The State includes more than 125 villages, towns and cities which are served by private bus companies. Beautiful ever green forests, parks, lakes, rivers, recreational, tourist, historic, cultural facilities and attractions are located on good roads which run throughout Antioquia-the weekend playground for many who live in Medellin. With nearly a dozen MAPS to choose from, print out your favorites and head on out to pinpoint your dream property. Descriptions with photos show a few of the more desirable communities in and around Medellin. For the past few years many Paisas have been keeping the real estate companies busy, buying vacation, second homes, ranchettes, and investment properties throughout Antioquia. More recently, especially since the unprecedented re-election of the popular President Uribe, foreign investors are anxious to learn Buyer's Tips, as daily, they take stronger investment positions in the purchase of Medellin, Antioquia realty." About.com "Medell�n is Colombia's second largest city, a principal manufacturing and industrial area, as well as a commercial flower growing region, particularly orchids, but for years was best known as the center of The Colombian Cartels.
With the death of Pablo Escobar, Medell�n is slowly recovering, but is not yet a full-fledged tourist destination. However, there is plenty to do and see in the city itself and the scenic surroundings.
Medell�n is a beautiful city, modern and yet true to its regional characteristics. It was founded in 1616 in the scenic Aburr� valley, but remained small until the coffee boom. It later became the center of a textile industry, and today is a modern, vibrant city."
Medellin Colombia
"Photos of Medellin Colombia" la sierra ,medellin ,colombia 3, from youtube.com Metro Cable Medellin, Colombia, from youtube.com "Very cool metrosystem in Medell�n, Colombia. With this line of MetroCable uphill."
-Pereira Pereira (Colombia)
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "... is a city of Columbia, residing Risaralda department. Se află în partea occidentală a ţării, într-o vale care se descreşte din Anzii vestici. Is in the west of the country, in a valley which decreases the Andes Westerners. Conform recensământului din 2004 , oraşul are o populaţie de 576.329 de locuitori, fiind unul dintre cele mai mari oraşe ale Columbiei, precedat doar de Bogotá , Medellín , Barranquilla , Santiago de Cali şi Cartagena de Indias . According to the census of 2004, the city has a population of 576,329 inhabitants, is one of the largest cities of Colombia, preceded only by Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla, Santiago de Cali and Cartagena de Indias..."
"At the same time the Colombian National Police is spraying large industrial coca plantations. In reality, the so-called "military" part of Plan Colombia, is really no more than an escort service for the Colombian National Police�s activities of spraying industrial coca plantations and destroying cocaine laboratories. The only reason why this is needed is because both guerrillas and paramilitaries will fire from the ground at the spraying aircraft, and fire at the Police when they enter these areas in order to destroy a drug laboratory. So 14 Black Hawks and 45 Huey transport helicopters will provide the necessary protection and transportation requirements for three battalions of 900 men each. That is all the U.S. trained and funded counter-narcotics units are and will be doing. Counter-guerrilla or counter-paramilitary operations are forbidden.
Colombia - Panama
* Journeys
1979 The Official Website of Arthur Blessitt
" The Darien Jungle
Arthur in the JungleTen years after God told me to carry a 12-foot cross around the world, I found myself confronted with one of the world's deepest, darkest, and most inpenetrable jungles. ...
At a midday crisis, I had to decide what to take with me. What was really necessary? A week ago we had to have bandages, first aid, snakebite shots, food, and so much that was necessary, now it was all irrelevant. There was only one person with all the presence of God, a big cross, a river ahead and an almost inpenetrable jungle. Yes, I needed my Swiss Army knife, a hammock, two rolls of Jesus stickers, my Bible, the clothes I had on, my passport, my money purse in a plastic waterproof bag, a tin of lemon drops, two canteens of water, and my machete. As I stood looking at Tom, tears poured down my face. This was an impossible mission. All human reason was again being cut off, only faith remained. I said a brief prayer and looked at the truck and Tom. There was the road back. I could sleep in an air conditioned hotel tonight or the jungle. Oh, glory Father, Thy will be done. I remembered my commitment and started to walk. I'd rather die in the will of God than live outside of it.
I said goodbye to Tom, "See you in a week."
I turned toward the jungle and began to wade through the water. Joy flooded my soul. It was me, the cross and Jesus. That's the way it should be. As the darkness of the jungle shadowed me, I went on...
Shakira - La Tortura - from Oral Fixation Tour DVD, from youtube.com Hips Don't Lie by Shakira, from youtube.com Shakira-Suerte (Whenever, Wherever), from youtube.com Shakira
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "..born: February 2, 1977)[1] known simply as Shakira, (Arabic: شاكيرا) ([ʃəˈkiːrə] in English, [tʃa'kira] or [ʃa'kira] in Spanish [2]) is a Colombian singer-songwriter, musician, record producer, dancer and philanthropist who emerged as a musical prodigy in the music scene of Latin America in the mid-1990s. Born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia, Shakira revealed many of her talents in school as a live performer, demonstrating her vocal ability with rock and roll, Latin and Middle Eastern influences with her own original twist on belly dancing, which she learned from her Lebanese grandmother. Shakira is a native Spanish speaker and also speaks fluent English, Portuguese, Italian,[3] and some Arabic...
Philanthropy and humanitarian work
In 1995, Shakira founded the Pies Descalzos Foundation. It is a Colombian charity with special schools for poor children all around Colombia. It was funded by Shakira and other international groups and individuals. The name of the foundation is taken from Shakira's third studio album called Pies Descalzos, released in 1995.
During her career, Shakira has performed at a large number of benefit concerts. In 2002 she sang at a Party in the Park concert fundraising for dsf Prince's Trust. That same year she performed at Divas Live which support VH1's Save the Music Foundation. On July 2, 2005 she performed her hits "Whenever, Wherever" and "La Tortura" on the Live 8 benefit concert at the Palace of Versailles, near Paris. On July 7, 2007, the singer opened the German leg of Live Earth in Hamburg. Her set included "Don't Bother", "Inevitable", "Día Especial" (with Gustavo Cerati) and "Hips Don't Lie".[42] Shakira also performed at the "Clinton Global Initiative", where she performed her hits "Underneath Your Clothes", "Inevitable" and "Hips Don't Lie". On May 17, 2008 Shakira and twenty other Latin American and Spanish artists performed in Buenos Aires and Mexico City to raise money for Shakira's Latin America in Solidarity Action "America Latina en Accion Solidaria"(ALAS) charity.[43] This concert attracted 150,000 people in Buenos Aires. Although tickets were free, the demand exceeded the supply; some fans who were fortunate enough to secure free tickets resold them.[44]
Shakira is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and is one of their global representatives. "Shakira, like all our Goodwill Ambassadors, was chosen based on her compassion, her involvement in global issues, her deep commitment to helping children, and her appeal to young people around the world. We're very pleased to have Shakira join the UNICEF family. I know she'll help bring UNICEF's mission to the audience who will have the most impact on our future – young people themselves", said UNICEF's Executive Director Carol Bellamy.[45]
On April 3, 2006, Shakira was honored at a United Nations ceremony for creating the Pies Descalzos Foundation. At the event, the singer said, "Let's not forget that at the end of this day when we all go home, 960 children will have died in Latin America."[46]
Shakira was recently ranked at number 48 on the list of Top 50 Most Charitable Celebrities by OK! magazine. It reported that she donates approximately $55,000 to charity yearly.[citation needed]
On September 28, 2007 at the Clinton Global Initiative, it was revealed that Shakira donated $40 million to help the victims of natural disasters. An additional $5 million will be donated to four Latin American countries, to be spent on education and health. The charity was able to collect US$ 200 million from philanthropists Carlos Slim, Mexico’s richest man, and Howard Buffett, son of U.S. investment guru Warren Buffett, the singer announced on April 15, 2008.[47]
In December 2007, Shakira visited Bangladesh to appeal for the victims of Cyclone Sidr. She spent 3 days with the victims and visited children affected by the disaster in schools built by Unicef and participated in the distribution of family kits and warm clothes. She said that little was left of the school she visited in the village of Mirzapur, but it still provided an "oasis" for the children. "I am more convinced than ever that education is the key to so many of the difficulties that our children face in countries like mine or in developing countries like this one. It's the key to a better and safer world," she said.[48]
Shakira served as the Honorary Chairperson for "Action Week" 2008 (April 21-27). The event is sponsored by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), to generate awareness about the Education for All Act. She spoke with the U.S. Congress, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick to promote a move towards Global Education. Angelina Jolie served as last year's chair.
People En Español announced in their December 2008/January 2009 issue that Shakira is the "Humanitarian of the Year" as part of their "Las Estrellas del Año" (Stars of the Year) awards.[49]
On her 32nd birthday, Shakira opened a new $6-Million school in her hometown Barranquilla, which was sponsored by herself and her Pies Descalzos Foundation. [7]"
Shakira recieves Award for Charity Personality Of The Year
"Shakira recieves Award for Charity Personality Of The Year @ ZDF Ein Herz Für Kinder in Germany "
Bueno es alabarte Señor, Mónica Vásquez
"Hermosa canción alabando a nuestro Señor Jesús en la voz de Mónica Vásquez "
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